Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Letter to The BLACK Collection Supporters! Thanx For 2009!! It's 2010!!


So I'm a few days late, sue me! LOL!! Great 2010! Man 2009 came and went! 2009 was a very interesting year for us! It was also a year of learning and growth! We released some great products, had our 1st commercial ad shot, worked with some amazing people, and began our quest to spread INDIVIDUALITY!

We met some great INDIVIDUALS in 2009 as well! I am forever grateful for those experiences! Our brand has really begun to reach the level of exposure that we like to see, but we know that we have long way to go! This could not have happened without the support of each and every one of you all. Whether you purchased a product, informed somebody about our brand, contributed to the business operation, or simply commented on what we do! THANK YOU!!!

What I enjoyed the most about 2009 is that we really inspired quite a few people to follow through with their dreams simply because of what we do and what we represent!

We are now in 2010, which is also the year that we will celebrate our 5th year of being in business. These are amazing times! Who would have thought that almost 5 years ago, while I was studying abroad in South Africa, the idea I created would still be alive & well today. I want to "Thank" some INDIVIDUALS personally in this letter, but I know if I forget somebody I'm going to get my head chopped off, so I won't even try. Just know that I appreciate EVERYBODY!

As we are now in 2010, I challenge each of you to use 2009 as a reference guide. Let the experiences you encountered make you better, stronger and most importantly smarter. Learn to trust that God has everything in control; and He has designed a plan for each of us, but we just have to ask for guidance in order to follow through with the plan. I also challenge each of you to take a "leap of faith"; because I've learned within the past 4 to 5 months or so, that traveling the unknown is much more exciting than walking the same streets of the familiar!

This year I challenge each of you to "Do The Impossible...."

Thank You All for everything! You guys are appreciated!

Signing Off,

Reggie Black

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